COVID-19 Updates & Resources

Dear Patients,

We want to assure you that we are here for you during the Covid-19 pandemic. Our practice will continue to see patients during office hours.

You can also call us even when we are closed if you are in need of emergent medical care through our 24-hour answering service.

Our office hours have been temporarily shortened due to some of our staff needing to care for children and family members during the social distancing protocols recommended to slow the spread of the outbreak. Evening and Saturday hours have been temporarily suspended. Our new reduced hours are 9AM – 5PM.

We are one of the very few private practices left in our area. During this time we are both treating patients in the office at a lower volume and over the phone and through telehealth. In order to keep patients safe and to help our small business continue to serve our patients during the pandemic, we ask that you wear a mask when entering either office, call us first if you have any potentially COVID related symptoms, and read and follow carefully the printed instructions located in the entryway of our waiting room related to a risk questionnaire and temperature check. We are here for you and need you to support our practice so that we can survive to return to normal after the crisis has abated.

Assessment and testing related to the Covid-19 virus are available in our community, both through Abington Jefferson Hospital, Holy Redeemer Hospital, and other private labs through our office. We ask, however, that if you are experiencing symptoms of a cold/flu, stomach upset, or fever that you notify our practice before entering our waiting room.
For Covid-19 statistics in PA, please click here.
For Influenza information, please visit here.

Our landlord has generously offered us the use of an empty medical suite next door, which we are using as a “Well Clinic” to treat patients in low volume for routine care and preventative medicine only.
No patients will be permitted to enter this suite – the one next door marked 678 – who are symptomatic with any respiratory or other potentially infectious symptoms. This space is at low risk for patients who wish to seek routine healthcare during the epidemic.

Our office is committed to providing services to our patients in the safest, cleanest environment possible during the pandemic. Please feel free to call us if you should experience symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath, severe gastrointestinal distress, or pneumonia-like symptoms so that we can facilitate the best course of action for you and your family.

COVID-19 Vaccination

To pre register, click here!